Sunday, May 20, 2012

Middle Ages Homework

Good Morrow, Sages.

Follow this link and read ALL sections ("Feudal Life, Religion, Homes, Clothing, etc.) of this unit from  You will need to enter the site via the button on the bottom of the page that says [surprise!] "Enter".  Be sure to read the "Read more about..." too!  In these extended sections, you will find some interesting activities; be sure to dive into these as well.  

Your homework is to post, here on the blog, your response to AT LEAST ONE thing that you learned on this site, AND respond specifically to another student's post.

EX: "This is Ethan and I learned that medieval architecture was...I find this interesting because....
And, hey, Joey, what you said about knights and their role in the king's court was super-astute!  I happened to like the part about the knights' extra-fancy..."

PLEASE read everyone's post that has contributed at the time that you do your homework.  Make sure that you respond THOUGHTFULLY, rather than just writing the minimum amount you feel will get your homework checked off...

DUE by 9:00pm on Thursday, May 24th.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

4Rs Final Project Criteria

Here is a checklist for what you need to do to finalize your 4Rs Writing Projects:

  1. Project is submitted in a presentation folder.
  2. Title page with your name and a creative title for your entire project. 
  3. Four separate essays, double-spaced, with creative titles.
  4. Each essay has an indication of which "R" trait to which it pertains (either in the title or as a header)
  5. Each essay is thoroughly revised to your highest expectations--remember to refer to your rubric and my "love notes" to you (suggestions for revision).   TAKE TIME READING each essay from beginning to end one last time to make sure you are thoroughly satisfied with them.
Stay tuned for more details.  Oh, and check this out... yeah, I can be wrong from time to time.

Monday, May 14, 2012

"Bully" Field Trip Tomorrow 5/15!!

Hello Families,

It's great to be back with all your kiddos.  I missed them!

We have made a reservation to see the film Bully tomorrow at the Sebastopol Cinemas.  This film has received a lot of acclaim for its relevance and poignancy, and many parents in our community have shown enthusiasm towards our kids seeing it.  Mary Norstrom (thank you!) has actually reserved 40 seats for our group.  If any of you would like to join us, there should be plenty of room!  This may be of special interest to you if your child has experienced or has dealt with bullying in any way.  The admission is $7.00--please make sure your student has it for the movie tomorrow.  If you would like to attend, please email me to let me know, and don't forget your own admission. :)

We will be walking to the Rialto/Sebastopol Cinemas, leaving here at 11:25 to be there around 12:00.  The movie begins at 12:20.  We'll eat an early lunch, and should be back around 2:30.  

Just so everyone is informed, the movie does have some strong adult language in it (yes, the "f" word), but it is my personal experience that this particular group of students has the tools to hear the language in context and be mature about it.  If you would like to see the trailer, paste this link into your browser: 

Thanks all!  I think it will be really great for our kids to see this.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Homework Reminders!!

We have too many students missing work currently in class.  This morning we went over the "offenders" list, so you all know who you are...

Remember, the primary assignments that people have missing, consequently diminishing overall scores are:

  • 4Rs Essays 1 & 2
  • 4Rs Rubrics
  • China/Japan Projects
  • A Samurai's Tale: Final Essay
    • NOTE: I am no longer accepting these, as so much time has passed; to make it up, please select one of the four short pieces from the Junior Great Books that we have not yet read, and write a one-page response paper.  The paper should include your understandings of the piece; your reaction to it; your sense of what the piece "means."


your incredibly compassionate teacher.

$3.00 for Tomorrow's Presentation

Hi all--

Meg Mizutani will be coming tomorrow, so please bring your $3.00 contribution.  It is going to be fun!

This video from Vimeo relates to the presentation she will be giving, and one of my biggest passions: coffee.  I want to be friends with this guy!  View "Yoshi's Blend"

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Science Fair Reports

***There have been CHANGES (I said no extensions, but CHANGES I never mentioned...) to the Science Fair Event/Due Dates.  Please Note:

Hey everyone!  Our school science fair will now be on May 28th.  Students have a report associated with this project that is due May 18th.  Follow this link if you need an extra copy of the assignment: Science Fair Report.

Now the report must include your research PLUS your data/results from the experiments. Presentation boards, etc. will be due on the day of the fair.  We will be talking more in class about what these steps entail.

Remember, kiddos (especially now!) : no, No, NO! extensions on these reports--we need to respect Sean's time and hard work for us; he has the other classes to help, too.  Late reports will not be accepted.  So get started early, ask questions early, and be Responsible!!  You can do it.


The Seventh Grade Ravens are presenting their research reports on China & Japan, plus a couple of very interesting independent study projects.  They are beyond incredible.  Check this post as I do my best to add digital means of viewing our students' work!

Spencer's Edinburgh Blog  He's a gigapanner's apprentice!
Selena's Tea Ceremony She's a movie star now!!
Check out Brandon's Junk!  It's a Chinese boat!
Check out David's Junk!  A nautical genius!
Sumi'i from Master Ben "Bamboo with a Pear"
Lily is giving Hokusai a Run for his Money!  Incredible grid-enlargement falconry!
Caleb is a Samurai Warrior!  Or at least an expert on them...!
Elani finally does this Hokusai justice! Elegant cherry blossoms and a birdie!
Ila accomplishes what Hokusai only dreamt of!  Contemplating on the banks of a river near Fuji...